Supermenu Online Ordering Integration Guide


  1. Supermenu Online Ordering uses a polling process to check online orders on a third party website
  2. Supermenu POS software will send a request for orders every 60 seconds to an endpint of the third party website
  3. If there are orders, the third party website will send the response in the following XML format for all the orders that have not been confirmed by the Supermenu POS
  4. Upon receiving the Online orders from the third party website, Supermenu POS will save the orders into the system and send the orders to Kitchen either on the Kitchen Display or print the tickets in the kitchen
  5. Supermenu POS will then send confirmation to the third party website so the third party website will mark the orders as completed
  6. Please see the following XML example for an online order

1.00 10.00 12.00 12345678 2.00 -3.00 CASH Delivery GrubHub John Doe 202 2222222 Supermenu LLC
111 Main Street STE 200 New York NY 22222
12'' Pizza 1 10.00 Extra Cheese 2.00